Marlin Cross-Bolt Safety Replacement Kit
Jim Taylor
you are a purist and detest the cross-bolt safety on the new leverguns, for the
Marlin's at least there is a quick and easy remedy... a replacement pin that
looks as if it is a screw!
is easy to install, and if you ever want to put the factory safety back in, that
is easy to do also.
disabling ANY safety device not only invalidates the warranty, but it can have
other far-reaching consequences. I am not suggesting that you disable the
factory cross-bolt safety, I am only sharing what I did on my Marlin leverguns
for your information.
select an image for a larger view

The Marlin cross-bolt safety.... 'nuff
All the tools needed to do the
The Allen wrench is supplied with the Kit.
Removing the stock screw
Sliding the stock off

There seemed to be some loc-tite in the
hole where the set screw is located.
I had to use a special tool to remove
the loc-tite.
I sell these tools for 50 cents plus $3.00 S&H.

The Allen wrench is inserted into the set
screw and I begin back it out.
The set screw is removed. Take care not
to lose it.
The set screw, spring and ball.
Don't lose
any of these. You will need them.
Removing the safety.
NOTE! It only comes out the RIGHT side of the frame.
Replacement pin... getting ready to
Note the detent for the ball. Be sure to line it up correctly.
Sliding the replacement into place.
It sure helps to be born with 3 hands.
If you were not, you may be handicapped.
Ask for help if you need it.
Replacement pin.. looks like a screw.
The other side of the pin... matches what
on the frame.
All put back together and ready to go!
kit completely does away with the cross-bolt safety.
Kits are available from:
Clyde Ludwig
PO Box 26156
Wauwatosa, WI
phone 414-536-1101 after 6:30 PM CST
$9.95 plus $3.00 S&H
(if you order more than one kit, the shipping is still only $3.00)
Thanks to the Miles
Fortis Digi-Cam