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| Cast Performance Bullets | Merit Corporation


CSA 2006
Clarksville, AR 
March16 -19, 2006

People from across the country met in Clarksville, AR for 3 days of shooting, eating, visiting, sharing and getting to know each other.  The weather forecast wasn't too good but it turned out just fine.  

People came from as far as Florida, Minnesota, New Mexico and many of the states in between.  A great time was had by all!

THANKS to Tom and Jason for heading this up ... and for all who put all the work in on the range, the targets, cooking the food and everything that went in to making this gathering a great time!


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A very famous handgun

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Kathryn shooting a big bore sixgun

Setting off some Tannerite

John Purcell showing the proper form on the Thompson

Terry Murbach shooting the 12-bore rifle


Thanks to Cannon for the videos and many of the photos





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