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We had a couple days to spend snooping around Fairbanks since we had come back a day earlier than planned. So we went around town seeing what we could find.

The University of Alaska's MUSEUM OF THE FAR NORTH is well worth your time.  Easy to find, excellent exhibits and lots to see.  We spent a half day there.

The Botanical Garden was a good stop.  Lot of things to see.

The cabbage plants really like the 24 hours of daylight and grow larger than basketballs.

We also saw:

Reindeer Farm

Musk Ox Farm

There was a large herd of Musk Ox in the far pasture.

Franklin the Musk Ox. He was friendly.  Three years old, his horns are not fully developed yet.  I was surprised that Musk Ox are as small as they are.  I always envisioned them the size of Buffalo.


Down Under Guns
318 Driveway St
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 456-8500


Not much on the website except a photo of the storefront - the store has a huge inventory of firearms of all types as well as accessories, ammunition, reloading supplies etc.  It seemed to be the largest of the privately-owned gunshops in Fairbanks.  There is a large corporate-type gun shop, sporting goods store called The Sportsman's Warehouse that has a huge inventory of most everything, but we were interested in the smaller personal shops.


Alaska Guns & Ammo
308 6th Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701


Stevan Smith- Owner

A nice selection of firearms. Prices were good as far as I noticed, such as a Freedom Arms Field Grade 454 in very nice condition for $990 ... a Premier Grade for $1300. The owner is very friendly and fun to talk with.


Arctic Gun Works
1307 Kalakeket St.
Fairbanks, AK 99709

Gary Junk- Owner

A nice selection of firearms at good prices. He had 4 or 5 Bowen guns in .500 Linebaugh. He also had a nice collection of Marlin and Winchester leverguns... though most of them are not for sale. 

The owner is also a machinist who does custom rifle work. He worked with Dave Manson and now has reamers set up so he can reline the old Winchester barrels. For those who have the old guns and want to keep the original barrel but need a new bore, this is a great way to go. He is very personable and fun to talk with.

Gary Junk with a pristine 1888 Marlin in 32-20.  It is all original.  Only about 10% of the 1888's were made in this caliber.

This collection of Winchester Model 94's hang above the door.  These are Winchesters - that is, they are all from before 1960.

A collection of original Winchester Model 92's.  The little one on the bottom is a nice .32-20.

Note the Winchester 95's on the wall .. all original .. one in 30 Government (.30-40 Krag) one in .30-03 .. I disremember what caliber the other was.

If you get to Fairbanks, look these guys up!

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