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Belt Mountain Heavy Jacket Penetrator Bullets

Belt Mountain has introduced a new bullet designed for maximum penetration on Large and Dangerous Game.  These lead-core brass solids are currently being produced in 300 gr. .45 caliber and 450 gr. .50 caliber. (nominal weights - the .510" diameter .50 caliber weighs closer to 460 gr.)  They have the LBT-style nose, a very deep crimp groove, and knurling where there grease grooves would be on a lead bullet.

45 caliber

50 caliber

To order, call Kelye at Belt Mountain:



A Test

by Al Anderson with Lloyd Smale

Here are a few of the Targets shot with the Belt Mountain Heavy Jacket Penetrator bullets. Also listed are some of the loads used and velocity.  

We did not do any penetration tests as we know how well they do and had only a limited number of bullets on hand.  We will do some penetration tests when we get some more bullets. 

As you can see the harder they are pushed the accuracy dropped off. All groups were fired at 50 yards with peep sight on .50 Alaskan and open sights on the .454 Puma 92 Levergun.  By the way it really liked that bullet!  I need some more of them! 

All groups were 3 shots. Groups 1-7 were with .50 Alaskan and group 8 was with .454. I had to have a friend - Lloyd Smale - shoot the first 6 groups and I shot the last two. That is rare for me as I usually shoot everyone's firearms and usually have a few at the house to shoot and do triggers on.

  1. Old 455 grain solid with no lube. 55 grains IMR 3031 Velocity was 1447 * ES 25 SD * 12   Group was 1 3/8"
  2. Old 455 grain solid with no lube. 58 grains IMR 3031 didn't get velocity  *  Group was 2 1/2" and powder was to base of bullet with this load.
  3. Old 455 grain solid with no lube. 54 grains A RL7 
    Velocity was 1736 * ES 15 *  SD 8  *  Group was 1 3/8"
  4. Old 455 grain solid with no lube. 57 grains A RL 7 Velocity was 1840 * Group size was 2 9/16"
  5. Old 455 grain solid with no lube. 58 grains IMR 4198 Velocity was 1950 *  Group was 3 3/16"
  6. New 458 grain with hole in nose and lubed. 55 grains IMR 3031 Velocity was 1501 *  ES 22  *  SD 11 and group was 1 3/8"
  7. New 458 grain with hole in nose and lubed. 54 grains A RL 7 Velocity was 1730 and group was 1 3/8"
  8. 300 grain Solid with lube. 26 grains W 296 Velocity was 1700   Starline .454 Brass and Winchester Small Rifle primer. Group was 15/16".

select an image for a larger view

scan.jpg (25589 bytes) scan1.jpg (8796 bytes)



Notes by Jim Taylor

I fired some of the first ones through the 454 Casull.  I found that by lubing the knurling, velocity was increased and primer flattening was decreased.  All I did to lube them was to wipe some of Paco's Apache Blue in the knurling as I was seating them.

The load used was 30 gr. of WC820  ( military surplus H110).

Velocity was 1616 fps.

Fired into wet newsprint the 300 gr. slug penetrated 48 1/2".   To give you some comparison, a factory .458 Winchester Magnum 510 gr. JSP fired into the same newsprint penetrated 24".

The 450 gr. 50 caliber slug fired from a .500 Linebaugh at 1311 fps penetrated 49" in the same wet newsprint. 

When fired from the .50 Alaskan at 2000 fps the Belt Mountain bullet penetrated a whopping 66 inches!!

There was no deformation to any of the bullets other than the engraved rifling marks.

select an image for a larger view

penetration_tests2.jpg (79546 bytes)
penetration tests
shooting into wet

454test.jpg (72144 bytes)
454 slug after 48.5 inches
of penetration

recovered.jpg (11077 bytes)
Belt Mountain bullets
left- .50 cal.
center- recovered .50 cal.
right - recovered .45 cal.
(from Al Anderson)

To order, call Kelye at Belt Mountain:








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