Lever-Actuated Breech-Loading Rifles & Carbines
The period between the
percussion era and the metallic cartridge era was time of great experimentation. All
sorts of ideas for improving the muzzle-loading type of firearm were put
forth. Some of these ideas are still with us today in one form or
another. Others barely saw the light of day. All were innovative.
The repeating rifle was the goal for many, but it was the
natural outgrowth of the single-shot rifle. Before the repeater could become
reality a reliable and safe breech-loading mechanism had to be developed.
Many ideas for a breech-loading mechanism were tried over the years starting
with the flintlock rifles, with varying degrees of success.
there were a number of ingenious ways employed in developing a breech-loader, in
this article we concentrate on lever-actuated designs. We are Leverguns.Com
after all.
were a number of lever-action designs for opening the breech. Some were of the "tip-up" or "break open"
design. Others slid the barrel forward while still others were of the
"falling block" type. Some were of the "rising breech"
design and there were also various "pivoting
breech" designs. Within each of these types there are variations that
make all of them very interesting. Some of these ideas are still with us in modern
single shot rifles while many others just could not make the transition to the
new higher-pressure smokeless powders that were introduced by the early 1900's.
I need to explain the following
First, it is not
complete. I am no expert on the subject and am simply reporting on
what I have found. I am sure I have overlooked or missed some.
Second, it only covers those single-shot breechloaders that are
lever-actuated AND that were made before 1900. There are a number of
lever-actuated single-shot rifles, carbines and shotguns that have been made
since that time. I have not made an attempt to list them. That will
have to wait for another day.
Third, the list is not in order of
manufacture. The firearms/makers are listed alphabetically.
Ballard -
when the lever was pulled down the breech tilted down at the front. Ballard's were produced
by Ball & Williams, Merrimack Arms & Brown Mfg., Dwight, Chapin
& Co., R. Ball, and finally after 1875 by
Marlin. They were made with many variations and in a large number of calibers.
Bullard - a falling block design that was produced in many
types and variations in calibers .32 rimfire to .50 centerfire.
Burnside - a falling
block design, made in 54 caliber, the Burnside had a unique tape priming
system to fire it's copper or foil cartridges. PHOTO
C.B. Holden
- called an "open frame", the entire right side of the receiver was exposed.
A unique design, made in .44 rimfire.
Cosmopolitan - produced
in .52 caliber, it was made in two designs. One was a falling block and
one was a pivoting block.
Farrow Arms
- made in
various calibers, the Farrow was a falling block design similar to the
Ballard and in fact, was an improvement upon the Ballard. PHOTO
Gallagher - a .50
caliber, the barrel slides forward when the lever is lowered.
Gibbs - made in .52
caliber, the barrel slides forward when the lever is lowered.
Gwyn & Campbell -
called the "Union Carbine" or the "Grapevine Carbine",
a falling block design made in .52 caliber. PHOTO
Maynard - produced in a
very large variety of models and designs from Boys Rifles to Sporting
rifles in a wide variety of calibers. When the lever was lowered the
barrel slid forward. PHOTO
- produced in
many models, calibers and variations, the Peabody-Martini is one of the
most well known. PHOTO
Perry - made in .54
caliber, when the lever is lowered the breechblock pivots upward.
Remington-Beals - made in
.32 and .38 rimfire, when the lever is lowered the barrel slides forward.
Frames were made in both brass and iron.
Rising Breech - produced
in Virginia for the Confederacy, this unique rifle used a .54 cal. paper
cartridge. It is unsure who built these.
Schroeder - a needle-fire
gun and cartridge, when the lever is lowered the barrel slides forward.
Sharps - one of the more
recognizable/recognized single-shot lever actuated firearms, the Sharps
was produced in many models, variations and calibers, all of the falling
block design. The first was the Model 49, a percussion rifle.
The design remained very much the same into the cartridge era. PHOTO
Sharps-type - a copy of
the Sharps percussion rifles, made for the CSA in Virginia.
Starr - produced in .54
caliber percussion and .52 caliber rimfire, lowering the lever lowered the
breechblock and allowed it tip backwards. PHOTO
Stevens - this company
produced a very large number of single-shot lever actuated designs, both
in break open and falling block types. Two main categories were (1)
Boy's Rifles and (2) Ideal Rifles.
The Boy's Rifles include the Marksman in .22 rimfire - break open - PHOTO
Maynard Jr. - .22 rimfire, action similar to the Maynard rifles.
Favorite - .22 rimfire, falling block .. PHOTO
The Ideal Rifles were all of the falling block design and include the
famous Walnut Hill Series. The Ideal Rifles were produced in various
rimfire and centerfire designs and were noted for their extreme accuracy.
- .54 caliber,
lowering the lever raises the breechblock and allows it to pivot
backwards, exposing the chamber.
Whitney-Cochran - .44
rimfire, lowering the lever raises the breechblock.
Whitney-Howard - .44
rimfire and 20 ga. .. a "hammerless" design. The action was weak
and was noted to blow open at times.
Winchester -
Model 1885, made in 2 frame types: High Wall and Low Wall. A
Browning falling block design that is still
with us, it was produced in very large variety of calibers (at least 45
different calibers) and
options. HIGH WALL
I am sure I have missed some. There were
a great many obscure gun-designers who were trying to get their ideas
produced. As I said, these were
all BEFORE 1900! Since that time there have been quite a few single-shot
lever-actuated designs marketed both in rifle, carbine and shotgun types.
Interestingly the leveraction repeating shotgun is not dead. Why I do
not know, but there still seems to be some market for them. These and the
single-shots we will cover at a later date. Jim
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