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Leverguns - Percussion Leverguns page

Percussion Leverguns

The early days - Cap & Ball

We have put these together in one place.  Not very many of any of them were ever produced, but they were an important step during the evolution of the levergun.

Among those who love to discuss such things there are often arguments why these rifles did not "last".  Some attribute it to the opening between the cylinder face and the barrel breech. When firing these guns flame, smoke, lubricant and fire come sideways out the gap, which can be disconcerting.

However, I feel the main reason these types of firearms did not last was due most of all to the fact that something better came along!  The self-contained projectile (Hunt/Jennings/Volcanic) and then the metallic cartridge, and the leverguns that used them.


North & Skinner Revolving Rifle

P.W. Porter Revolving Turret Rifle

Stanton Percussion Turret Rifle







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